Wrong Display 01, digital color print, 60.96 x 89.4 cm, 2018 |
Exhibition View_Universität der Künste Berlin_2019
Display(2018) is a series of photographs dealing with the subject of
display in contemporary art. The images are the art work itself,
which describe fictional exhibition-views with unusual display
settings; wrong lights, display with unnecessary furnitures,
wrong positioning of art works and etc. The artworks in pictures are reproductions of works from other artists, which I found on the internet. Here they play their role merely as visual elements for photographs, like the colours for paintings.
The initial question came out
when I went to contemporary art exhibitions in Berlin and was not sure what is art and what is not in the exhibition space, as there
is no boundaries between the things in surrounding the artworks of today.
This project was realised during the artist in residency program
at Art District_p in Busan 2018.
Wrong Display 02, digital color print, 89.4 x 60.96cm, 2018
Wrong Display 03, digital color print, 60.96 x 89.4 cm, 2018 |
Wrong Display 04, digital color print, 60.96 x 89.4 cm, 2018 |
Wrong Display 05, digital color print, 60.96 x 89.4 cm, 2018 |
Wrong Display 06, digital color print, 60.96 x 89.4cm, 2018 |
Wrong Display 07, digital color print, 89.4 x 60.96cm, 2018 |
Wrong Display 08, digital color print, 60.96 x 89.4cm, 2018 |
Wrong Display 09, digital color print, 60.96 x 89.4cm, 2018 |
Wrong Display 10, digital color print, 60.96 x 89.4cm, 2018 |
Wrong Display 11, digital color print, 89.4 x 60.96cm, 2018 |